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Doctor Who Story 166 – Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways

Bad Wolf

We’re only on the first season and we’ve already gone back to the Slitheen, Cardiff, and now Satellite 5.

The sound mix is terrible. I can’t hear the dialogue over the music. Big Brother seems terrible. Weakest Link is much better.

Captain Jack’s reality show is much better.

The boss from Peep Show is in this.

Tee hee, it was in his butt.

The Human race sitting on their butts not leaving home because it’s not safe sound familiar.

The Face of Boe gets a nod again.

I feel like it’s been a while in Doctor Who since we’ve seen transmats.



There’s a dude in the Anne Droid costume!

Oh that’s happy! I didn’t know that Nicola Bryant and Peter Davison recorded their Big Finish stuff together. That’s really nice.

The Parting of the Ways

Aww, the Doctor saved Rose. Also, their relationship is creepy.

A nice bit of Time War info.


Aww, the Doctor is returning Rose to Earth and saying goodbye.

Okay, so the TARDIS makes a sound when it lands. Mickey comes running. You’d think that if the TARDIS was that loud that he can hear it from his house, then wouldn’t the TARDIS get swarmed by companions? Where’s Ace?

The whole “Bad Wolf” thing is terrible.

The death by Dalek is a terrible special effect, but somehow it’s weirdly creepy still.

The Anne Droid killing Daleks is wonderful!

The romance subplot between Rose and the Doctor is really inappropriate.

Oh, Rose killed all Daleks in existence. I guess we will never see them again.

The deus ex machina ending is so cheesy, and the Doctor kissing Rose to pull out the energy of the time vortex is VERY cheesy. BUT! It was a fun run with Eccleston. I really liked him in the role of the Doctor. But then David Tennant came and they’re off to Barcelona.

The Children In Need Special

So this bridges the gap between them heading to Barcelona and them crashing on Earth for the Christmas Invasion.

It’s not great, it is not needed, but it’s nice they did a little charity special.


Russell T. Davies just said the Eccleston is excited that he was the one who pressed the button that wiped out the Doctor, but if that was the case, he should have come back for the reunion. Instead we had John Hurt.

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