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Doctor Who Story 165 – Boom Town


Who at Doctor Who central, thought the Slitheen were so go they needed a follow up?

Why is the farting a thing?

The chase scene with the teleport is comic gold.

Jack is so excited about everything and it’s really nice.

Rose has bad taste in men.

Russell T. Davies’ era is so kinky.

This is surprisingly a fun episode.

Good on Mickey for going out with Tricia. Bad on Rose for saying mean things about her because she’s “a bit thick.”

Mickey, you’re right. It’s always going to be the Doctor. There’s no reason to scream at Rose, just realize that it’s over and move on. Rose should be open about it and just break up with him, rather than dragging him to Cardiff and dragging out this relationship.

Well, there’s some setup for the finale.

Rose saying Mickey deserves better is both true and sad, he does deserve better, but he’s also shit.


It seems the Doctor Who writers think the Doctor is the one doing the killing.

What I’ve discovered is Confidential did a good job at introducing new viewers to classic Doctor Who.

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