Part One
Oh yeah! Ace has a boombox! A boombox in the 1960s.
Uh oh! That kid knows who the Doctor is!
That is indeed Susan’s old school, and they’re going into Foreman’s junkyard.
Oh my, those are Daleks!
I love Doctor Who‘s means of continuity by pretending that Humans just ignore major events in our history and pretend they didn’t happen.
Part Two
The Dalek just said “WE! MUST! REPAIR! THE! TRANSMAT!” All I can think is Alex Horne saying “We?” to Katheryn Parkinson.
I couldn’t find that gif, but here’s another one.
I enjoy McCoy’s R rolls.
Is that Geoffrey from Fresh Prince? Oh my god! It totally is.
Hahaha! Ace beating up a Dalek with a baseball bat is amazing.
Part Three
If those Daleks were half-way good at their jobs, they’d have killed Ace a long time before the Doctor et al arrived.
Ace seems like she’d like to join the military.
I forgot how ridiculous the Dalek Emperor looks.

Little Girl Dalek!!!
Part Four
That landing shuttle was actually not terrible graphics. Not great, but better than one would expect.
When anyone says “Ace,” I just think of her saying “ACE!”
Wow, these Daleks have shitty aim. They keep hitting the same spot on the wall, but not the giant Daleks that should be easy to hit. They’re not moving.
I think that’s part of a streetcar track in the ground at Foreman’s yard.
That girl Dalek has got a lot of attitude.
Good to know that fibre optics are used in Daleks.
Why is the “Beware of dog” sign on the inside of the door?
HAHA! The Emperor is Davros.
He vaporized Skaro. I can see what the war is gonna happen.
Well, that kid is gonna be screwed up the rest of her life.