Part One
The first few minutes of this, I don’t feel like Romana and the Doctor are equals. She needs the Doctor to fix K9, but I think she should be able to do that.
That dude’s wig is poorly fitted.

Aww, someone likes the Doctor and WANTS him to visit.
I think I could do a better green screen than the Doctor Who crew, and trust me, I can’t do one.
So Meglos is a sentient cactus. At least it’s not a man in a rubber suit.1

The cactus put his mind into the nerd.
Finally Romana is trying to fix K9.
My video failed exactly at the start of the loop that Meglos put the Doctor in. So I thought it broke again when the episode looped. apparently the loop is a chronic hysterectomy?
Part Two
I had to Google what was happening, it didn’t make sense that Meglos is pretending to be the Doctor.
The Doctor leaves his TARDIS door ajar a bit too often.
Part Three
“She’s seen too much, kill her!”
Why is it hard to navigate on a planet that rotates “anti-clockwise?” Also rotation is different from your point of view. Earth rotates counterclockwise from the point of view above the north pole, but clockwise from the view above the south pole.
Part Four
“Thanks be to Tigh”

Haha, the disarming of that assassin was the most ridiculous thing. They could have had drama, instead a dude kicks the gun out of his hand, and then just stands there, bored.
- Their men in a rubber suit are never as exciting as one would hope. [↩]